Wednesday, May 26, 2010

gabriel iglesias

Gabriel iglesias is a very funny guy.He makes fun of him self but he says he does not.He makes funny noises, and he makes a creepy laugh.He hays their are 6 levels of fatness, he used to say their are 5 levels, the levels are:Big, Healthy, Husky, Fluffy, and Dam. The 6th one is called Oh Hell No.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


This is Wisconsin, Seymour. This is a sing of Spring, nice blue Sky, Green grass no snow in sight. The tempters gets to 45-70 degree. Some times it gets cold in the morning and some times it's warm ,and it's the same with the afternoon.

Thursday, March 18, 2010


1 In English class, we made a. claymation.1 what was the process?- it was hard keeping the clay standing up so to fix it we cut off the bottom off so it can stand up, and after that it went pretty good.
2 How did you handle you're role?- the script went well, i helped out choosing witch part we were going with. i also helped moving the clay evan that wasn't my job, and others helped out to.
3 How successful?- successful were you?- I was pretty successful with the crept helping out witch part we chose from and helping moving the clay.
4 What did you learn about teamwork?- i worked with 9 other people and that went well. every body had different ideas and we chose 1/10 ideas and every body went with that idea.
5 Would you rather take a test or create a project like this?- the project, why because it is fun and you learn more when doing the project.
6 If you could do it over again, what would you do differently?-I would move the clay a little bit rather than moving the clay more you clued so it can make the clay like it's moving like a real person.

Monday, February 8, 2010

The Contender

I am reading the Contender and this is the response to the book.What would you do if you were him? I would go too somebody for some help with my decisions.

Is he making the right choices with his life? why? No, because he is hanging with the people who find themselves in jail.

Monday, January 11, 2010


Continue studying at school, working harder in classes to get better grades, and find a job before school ends.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Christmass break

Before I went to my dad's for Christmas, me and my brother opened the gifts at my mom's, me and my brother went to dad's after and opened gifts their on that same night. The next day, my dad me and my brother went to my uncle's house to have Christmas there ,eat and opened gifts. Before I went to my uncle's house the family went to see the movie Avatar and the movie was great. what I got for Christ mass : mom, Digital camera, Aj Hawk sweatshirt, Packer throw pants, Packer shirt, cell phone, Band Hero, Lab top. from Dad, Packer pro shop gift card, Aj Hawk college Minne helmet, movie Taken, movie Funny people, WWE tickets, and Rascal Flatts tickets. from my two uncle's Best buy gift card and Packer pro shop gift card.